Post all of your comments regarding the Auctiva Template Competition here. See complete details and rules here.
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quote:Originally posted by Auctiva Tom T.:
Below our name it says "Auctiva Support." Just had to add that to Melanies account since her first post was today.
quote:Originally posted by Auctiva Melanie:
Yes, we really are running a template competition.-Melanie
quote:Originally posted by me pal, Suthnjewl:
You have women-folk on board. Let the estrogen begin to flow!
quote:Originally posted by wahm922:
I take it the winners will be added to the selection of templates provided by Auctiva?
quote:This being the case we do not need to add custom tags like Shipping and payment, store window, or even custom picture layouts?
quote:Also this would mean we don't need the extra links that I use at the bottom of my templates for email, auctions, feedback and so on?
quote:By copyright free this would also included sites that require a link back to them if you use their graphics?
quote:Originally posted by Auctiva David:
Oooh $100! Is this contest open to Auctiva employees?!![]()
quote:Originally posted by carolelliott:
I was thinking of designing a template for the competion with thumbnails (size of aprox 160 or 180 pix pictures). Would this kind of template be allowed ?
I would have to use html and not auctivas image tags to create this kind of template.
I am a little confused by this statement in your competion rules:
" Optimize images to the smallest file size while retaining image quality " ??
can you expand on that a little for me,
quote:Originally posted by carolelliott:
I was thinking of designing a template for the competion with thumbnails (size of aprox 160 or 180 pix pictures). Would this kind of template be allowed ?
quote:Originally posted by carolelliott:
I would have to use html and not auctivas image tags to create this kind of template.
quote:Originally posted by carolelliott:
I am a little confused by this statement in your competion rules:
" Optimize images to the smallest file size while retaining image quality " ??
Congrats on being the first person to submit an entry!quote:Originally posted by bz4shez:
I have just posted the first competition template and wanted some feedback from Miss Melanie or Tom.
quote:Originally posted by bz4shez:Was I suppose to add image placeholders and mock up text so that it looks just like an auction?
quote:Originally posted by bz4shez:
Did I forget to add a tag?
quote:Originally posted by bz4shez:
I was also wondering if it was okay to give credit to my buddy for his artwork, he gave his permission to use some of his work as long as I gave him credit. Thank you in advance.