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I have used auto relist to relist items that havent sold and have several questions.

1)I want to make changes to my Marketing preferences ie Gallery, Bold etc so that when they relist the bold is no longer selected.
I know I can change this within Ebay up to 12 hrs before the listing ends but will these revisions only remain if I auto relist? ie if the listing remains active what happens if the listing ends and I then relist it from my closed listings will these changes still be applied?

2)If I chose to relist an item from closed listings and I havent made the changes within Ebay first ie out of the 12hr timeframe is it possible to remove bold or do i have to go back to my original saved listings and ammend each one individually? I have looked at bulk editing but this option is not available and neither are Marketing preferences in find and replace.

3) it seems that when listings are ammended within Ebay they update the details on Active listings within Auctiva but the saved listings dont seem to have the new info.

4) when I have had to relist manually and make changes the options seem limited and I have had to go to my saved listings where the original doesn't show any ebay edits etc- Is there any way round this or are saved listings not updated in the same way as Active listings are?

5)Any suggestions on bulk editing from saved listings so that all the profiles update?

Many Thanks

Original Post
Complex questions and I can only give best advise from my own use or observations posted.

Answers by number....

1) I believe the relist will be identical to the listing as closed, i.e. including any changes made prior to listing close. That fits my prior experiences with Relist and I'd expect the Auto-Relist to do the same (with no changes selected in Auto-Relist). For one-time situations, I would not use the Auto-Relist and use simple Relist from eBay to be sure of exact features. If there is no Relist discount, a new listing would seem best to avoid any doubts. You can stop the Auto-Relist of a listing on the Active Listings page.

2) If the listing closes and major changes are needed, a Relist from eBay for sake of discount or a new listing would be my choices. Changing a Saved Listing stored at Auctiva doesn't change the closed listing's details that are stored at eBay (not Auctiva). They are separate systems.

3) Changes made on an active listing at eBay won't update Saved listings at Auctiva. Again, they are separate systems.

4) Auctiva's ability to make changes for Relist is very limited. Major changes outside their scope can be done using eBay's Relist feature.

5) Auctiva's Find & Replace feature button on the Saved Listing page has some pretty amazing mass change capabilities, including some limited Profile applications.


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