If you think you have a deadbeat on your hands, cut 'em loose and move along to other customers. Quickly relist the item for bid or sale, or contact any other interested parties who have previously or concurrently expressed interest in the item.
The article did not make it clear that you have to have completely terminated the transaction with the deadbeat before relisting. Until the deal is dead in eBay's eyes, the winning bidder has the right to become the buyer, and if he or she pays and you fail to deliver because you've committed the item to someone else, you face a Non-Performing Seller action.
I understand that negs/neutrals for buyers were eliminated because the threat of retaliatory negs by sellers was discouraging honest feedback, but I agree with decoarn that removing the seller's right to leave appropriate feedback for buyers has made eBay a deadbeat's paradise. I have no doubt that bringing back full feedback would lead to the old problems, but a valuable compromise would be to make the buyer's terminated transaction rate part of the public record, the way bid cancellations are. This would help a seller judge the quality of the bidder, and cancel and block a bidder if the history were bad.
edited to clean up quote code