As far as I know it will always be free. It is basically a free version of another one that they sell.
It is very very easy to use. When you load a pic into automatically enhances it and shows it to you in a secondary window. Then if you like it you just click the save button to keep it.
I also use another program in conjunction with the enhancement tool called 'PIXresizer' on all my photo's first because it cuts loading time down to next to nothing. It is also completely free. You can obtain it here: a matter of fact Resizing your pictures before you upload them to your auctions dramatically cuts the upload time. I can upload 8 to 10 pictures in less than a minute most times after I use the resizer.
When I say resize, I dont mean the actual size of the picture. The PIXresizer resizes the pic file size. So instead of uploading a pic that is 1000kb it will only be like 100kb in size after using the PIXresizer.
The actual size of the picture stays the same so if you have lets say a 5x7 pic 1000kb in size, after using the resizer you will still have a 5x7 pic only it will be 100kb in size and it does not take away from the quality of the photo.
Both of these programs are totally free and both are just amazing at the time they save me and the quality of my pictures.
I know I sound like an advocate for these programs, but I swear to you im just a fellow auctivian sharing what I can. I have no affilliation with these programs other than that Im a user of them.