Has anyone had sucess with Auctiva's Bulk Inventory Upload process?
* Seems you can Download a .tsv sample, yet when you save it to Text (Tab Delimited), the (original or a new) file is No longer readable by the Bulk Uploader page. Even when using the original file that Auctiva gives us, it does not upload when we SAVE or SAVE AS to ANYTHING?!?!?.
Also having the darndest time getting a COPY and PASTE from Auctivas good .tsv file to save to Notepad or Wordpad. NOTHING is not working for me.
Error after Error and no Bulk upload. I've spent countless hours, and even asked Michelle, who is also baffled.
I have hundreds and maybe 1,000's of listing I can do, but Auctiva is frustrating me.
Anyone good with the Bulk uploading process, I could get some help please.
I have a current Excel sheet with 750 items, ready to go, and I am going no where currently.
Messages to Auctiva eCommerse support resulted in a canned answer, with No real Help.


There are many of us frustrated with wanting to sell more and ADD more products, and it seems we get too much lip service, in asking for easier Auctiva Tools (presently) to do it..
(Hey Auctiva - I'm now looking at other store Platforms. If you don't fix this, you may loose another user.)
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