If you hit the "My Account" tab on the top of your screen you should see a page of settings for a variety of things. If you scroll down, you'll see automated email settings. You can turn it on or off. Take a look around on that page some - a lot of this type of thing has to do with settings on your account, which you can customize any way you want. If you hit the "Sales" tab, you'll find a link to the emails as well, and can customize the content of the emails and set it to cc you as well. I believe you can set Auctiva to send emails if you want, customized however you want, irrespective of whether or not you use Auctiva checkout, but I don't have much experience with that part of the system yet. I have found it simpler to just use eBay checkout and it's winning bidder notification, so I don't take advantage of the Auctiva email system much. But I do know that if you want to email a customer directly from Auctiva closed sales page you can certainly do so. Again, you can customize the content however you chose. There is a pull down menu on the closed sales page for choosing to email the customer. Hope some of these ideas will be helpful.