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To help new sellers like you get used to the different types of listings and features available on eBay, we require you to use the Sell Your Item form to list your items.
As a new seller, you need to establish a positive selling history and show that you're able to meet the needs of your customers. Knowing the latest features available to you will help you succeed as a seller. Please try listing your item again using the Sell Your Item form on eBay.

I'm trying to list with my new ebay account. Anyone know how many feedback should i have in order to start with auctiva?
Original Post
Hi essentialexpress,

Thanks for posting your question here. I'm afraid that we are not familiar with the specific criteria you need to meet before eBay will remove the restriction from your account that is causing them to return this error message when you attempt to post your items through Auctiva.

Since eBay's system is generating this error message, I recommend contacting their customer support team to see if they can give you a specific idea of how many positive feedback comments you need to receive before you will be allowed to post items through third party listing services such as Auctiva.

If you need any further assistance with your account, please feel free to contact our customer support team by mousing over the "Help" tab and selecting the "File Support Case" option.


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