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Does anyone know how to center a chart - table in a listing. I have tried the select all and erase and then tried to center, did not work. I have tried all ways I can think of and am at a loss. It looks funny when you have the photos centered, the text centered and the size chart over to side. Also, looks strange to have pictures centered and everything to one side, does not look balanced.

If someone can tell me how I would appreciate it. I also sent in support request hoping to get answer.

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Hi Vickie,

Thanks for contributing to our forum. I see that you already received the response I sent back to you through your support case, but I figured I would update this thread as well in case anyone else stumbles upon it that is struggling with a similar issue.

If you have added a table to your description that you are unable to center justify using the button available for that purpose on the description editor toolbar, you should be able to force the table to be center justified by modifying the HTML code used to generate the table.

If you switch over to the HTML version of the description editor by clicking the "Source" tab and locate the code that is used to generate the table, you just need to add align="center" to the initial clause outlining the table attributes.

For example, if your current table code begins with...

<table cellspacing="2" cellpadding="5" border="1" bgcolor="#e9eeee" style="width: 680px; height: 231px;"> should just need to change it to:

<table cellspacing="2" cellpadding="5" border="1" bgcolor="#e9eeee" align="center" style="width: 680px; height: 231px;">

I hope this helps!


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