Hi Stuffed,
In order to change the seller details profile used in your active listings, you would need to revise each of the associated saved listings to reflect your new seller details profile. Once this information has been updated in your saved listings, you can apply those changes to your active listings by revising each via the following process:
1) Click the "<HTML> icon to the right of the item on your "Saved Listings" page
2) Use the "Select All" button to highlight everything in the ensuing pop-up window and then copy the selected code.
3) Locate the item on eBay and click the "Revise Item" button.
4) Scroll down to the "Description" section and then click the "HTML" tab above the description editor.
5) Delete the existing description HTML, paste the copied HTML in its place, and save your changes.
Depending on the extent of the changes you are making to the seller details sections in your listings, it may be easier to revise each listing by going straight to eBay's "REvise your Item" form, clicking the "Standard" tab above the description editor, and then making the desired changes using your cursor, keyboard, and the editor toolbar.
Any additional questions or concerns? Please file a support request using the appropriate link on our help page: