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I took a look at your listing and viewed the source. The reason why the images along the borders are not showing is that somehow the path to those images is slightly different then what they should be. The images that are missing are your "Background" images. If you were to go back to that custom template that you created and search for the term "backgound" you will see that the url for those images have an extra "../" in front of the image. This is what is causing those images to not appear. Removing these extra "../" from those background images and I also see that those images are mising the quotation marks around them so here is an example of what yours now looks like:

<TD width="100%" background=../>

This is what it should look like:

<TD width="100%" background="">

By doing this to all of the background image your problem should be fixed. You will then want to copy that html and go to eBay to revise the listing.

I am not sure why this happened to you but I am currently trying to reproduce the problem to see if it is something that the editor did so we can make the proper changes.

I hope this has been useful.

Last edited by auctivabrent
Thank you Brent. I looked at all my templates, even the ones I haven't listed yet, and they are all like that. I am in the process of revising one of my auctions and have fixed the top and bottom of the template but am unsure where to put the quotations on this code. <TD width=92 background=../ rowSpan=2> Can you help with this?
Hey Kitcatkrazy,

A good way to know when you should use quotes is whenever you use an equal sign. For instance your example should now look like this: <td width="92" background ="" rowspan="2">

Another thing to note is that I removed thecharacters: " ../" in "" because this is one of the problems causing your background image to not appear. In essence you have told computers looking at this code to go to an address that does not exsist.
You are welcome. To answer your next question is kind of tricky. If you are looking at the template source when previewing through the template selector all images used should have "../templates/images/...". If you are looking at the preview of the template while on your listing page all of those"../templates/images/.." will be replaced with something like "".

I really have no idea how the extra "../" was added to your custom template but it should not be happening if it continues please go to the top of the page, select help, and then locate the "File a support Case" link and fill this out. We will need that so that we can better serve you. I hope this has been useful.


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