I have already filed a support case, and have had a rather peculiar reply, in that I was told it was because I was copying & pasting, and that I have been using HTML - which I don't do.
Firstly because I haven't, and secondly because I have no idea how to!

All of my listings are done using profiles already set up a long time ago, I just add the item description for that particular item at the beginning of the default item description.
I have received the following reply, which I have added, as it may help others with the same problem.
"I see that the text of your item is full of HTML coding. An example of this is in the first line of your description. You will see " ". The you see is HTML coding to indicate a space between words.
Normally, the coding that I am seeing would be hidden. Since it is visible in your listing, I suspect that you created your text in another program like Microsoft's Word and pasted the text into our description editor. So, I recommend deleting all of the text you currently have in the item description box and retyping it back in using our text editor.
Please be advised that most revisions can be done easily through eBay’s “Revise Your Item” form by choosing to edit the appropriate section of the listing. If you would like to edit part of the description, be sure to click the “Standard” tab on the editor to exit HTML mode. You will then see the description text within the editor exactly how it appears in the listing and can make your changes with your cursor and keyboard.
To make these types of revisions, please proceed with the following steps:
1) Locate your listing in your Saved Listings folder, make any necessary changes, and save.
2) Click the "<HTML> icon to the right of the item on your "Saved Listings" page
3) Select All and copy the html in the popup window.
4) Locate the item on eBay and click the "Revise Item" button.
5) Scroll down to the "Description" section and then click the "HTML" tab above the description editor.
6) Delete the existing description HTML; paste the copied HTML in its place, and save your changes."
I have since editted all of my newest listings, and have also revised my active listings, but I can't in all honesty believe that it won't happen again.
I still use my Master Profile on all new listings, which is just the same as before, so fear the problem may well arise again - will just have to wait and see: