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Hi halloweendiva,

Thanks for contributing to our forum. I reviewed the support case you filed on this subject and, as the representative who replied explained, your descriptions for the items in question appear to be missing because you chose a color for your description text that does not contrast with the background color of the template you selected.

If you have not chosen a specific text color for your description (the equivalent of choosing “Black/Automatic” from the drop down the editor) and you select a template with a dark background, our system will automatically change the color of your description text to one that contrasts well with the background to make sure it is visible.

However, if your description text is configured to be a specific text color (black, in your case), our system will *not* change the color of your text automatically regardless of which template you have chosen.

I see that you have already ended the items in question. However, assuming you would still like to repost them, you should be able to avoid encountering this issue again by simply selecting all your description text within the editor in the same saved listings you used before and selecting “Black/Automatic” from the “Text Color” drop down menu.

You should also be able to verify that this change has resolved the issue by previewing the items from the associated saved listings prior to posting them.

I gather that you are most likely already familiar with most of this information from the response you received to your support case, but I was inclined to update this thread as well in case I am mistaken and/or this information proves useful to others who may read this thread.


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