Boy was I getting lonely here all by myself - this must surely be a 'personal problem'?
This morning - after trying to find my wayward description box ALL day yesterday . . . it came home!
Like Grandma always said -
LEAVE THEM ALONE, AND THEY'LL COME HOME . . ."Yes, a very smart woman she was, and I miss her so . . .
She also had other, equally wise sayings also - but I better not go into them here as it will surely get this post yanked - lol!
Anyway, as I scan through the topics that come through this forum I find that I am not affected at all by most of the difficulties that can go on around here, makes you wonder about things like Karma, or the fact that we DO, indeed - End up Paying Somewhere, Somehow for the things that come too easily in life . . .
And Yes - that IS a scary thought, so Pay Attention to the fact.
Well, since I am the only one with a wayward Item Description Box, and it has, once again come home - enough of this euphoria induced rambling and off to work I go . . . You do know that we eBayer's and other O/C types - WE are the ones that get paid "By The Tower and Not By The Hour", so we better not be lazy Grunts, Operators or Journeymen - So it's off to the Rightaway for me . . .
(Which is basically the same as saying -
"I'm OFF . . . and I'm leaving too".
(Yes, I'm sure there's a Journeyman out there, somewhere, who needs me to make him look good this morning!)
Everyone have an EXCELLENT Trouble Free ~Thankful for Auctiva . . . DAY!