Sorry folks, this is a question about buying rather than selling, but as there are so many eBay experts out there, and Auctiva message boards are so responsive, thought I would ask anyway ....
I have been bidding on an item and when checking it this morning realised the bidding was getting close to my nominated maximum, so I bumped the max up a little. However, just afterwards, I discovered an item FROM THE SAME SELLER which was exactly what I needed.
Now, as an active seller myself, I am reluctant to muck around with my bids as I know how irritating it can be, but safe in the knowledge that the seller would be getting a fair price from whoever was bidding close to my maximum on the original, and I was hoping to buy anyway from the seller, I withdrew the bid, sent a message to the seller apologising and placed a new bid on the correct item.
When I withdrew the bid, a message came up to tell me that all MY bids on that item would be withdrawn. I have just checked the item and mysteriously, the item is now listed at the ORIGINAL starting price rather than the bid close to my maximum ....... hmmmmmm - very interesting ....... so was I bidding against myself?
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