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Ebay gave me a three day suspension for duplicates. I never intentionally list duplicates.

Today I went to my scheduled listings and on the first page almost every item is scheduled twice.

I will create a support ticket but want to warn all auctiva customers of this business threat.

itsjustme or is it?

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Furious, I would be LIVID!!!

I do not schedule, but had been thinking of doing since I pay for that service. HOWEVER, have heard of others that say auctiva duplicated theirs so now with this am rethinking using.

If auctiva system listed twice then they need to go to ebay and let them know that is was system glitch and take responsibility. Hopefully, they have a relationship with ebay that they can go on your behalf.

IRRITATING part, type in printer ink and and popular model number and you will get soooo many duplicates from same seller.

Lets face it if we were doing intentionally we would not mistakenly list one, we would do as others and list 100's of same item. For myself I do NOT want or need duplicates as most items I sell I only have ONE of so do not need problem of selling two either.

Good luck and let us know what support says, as this is not a feature I want to start using if this is end result.

Sorry this has happened
No reply yet. I went through and deleted all the duplicates and noticed that the system was replicating with 30 day listings regardless of the intended duration. For example if I scheduled a 3 day listing, it was duplicated with a 30 and the same for 5, 7 and 30.

I hope Auctiva goes to ebay and claims the glitch. The next time Ebay sees a duplicate I will lose my store. I am horrified.
Hi itsjustme,

I'm sorry to hear about the behavior you experienced. I am not aware of any currently technical problems on our end that would explain why some of your scheduled listings may have spontaneously been duplicated, but I just responded to your support case to request some examples of listings for which this happened.

Once I receive that information, I will send the details of your report over to our engineering team and we will see if we can find anything amiss on our end that would explain the behavior based on that information.

Mike..I sent the info to you and I sincerely hope there is a technical explanation and solution.

I am keeping my scheduled listings up to monitor the situation.

I also want to mention that I sanitized my closed listings before relisting so there were no duplicates in the closed listings that would have led to duplicates in scheduled listings.
I do not know how many she had, but I was calling the bay for something else today and mentioned it to the rep asking for what they consider duplicate.

I told him I have some items that are NEW WITH TAG and some of same item NEW WITHOUT TAG, with different prices. He said they "could" consider that a duplicate. (I have that way because obviously some people want the tag if using for gift, etc). I also have some multiple variations that could be considered same because they use same picture and title. (even though colors are different) Sounds like this is not a scientific system for sure.

I then asked WHY, OH WHY they removed the tool that we were allowed to use before this new rule came about. He said he sells and has asked numerous times that this be put back on. He said he is going to send through a note mentioning customers are asking for this to be restored. I said, IF more people call asking for it will it happen, he said the more something is reported the more likely it is to happen (i.e. squeeky wheel) I said well, when you have it working and then remove it, it appears a game of "GOT YA"

I have had a few that were human (my error), but there is always the fear of going over.
I asked rep how many and he did not know. Plus, even if he did, ebay is prone to change anyway.

I understand the rule and love it, but they need a checker tool for sure. That tool would tell you in a matter of seconds. Most who do accidentally would do that every other day and this would not be a problem.

If this is a problem for you I would sure call ebay asking them to reignite the tool that they have already implemented.

By the way, if you have not used ebay phone it is soooooo much faster and very efficient now. (unlike the horrid past) They told me two minute wait it was about 45 seconds. happens multiple times over the quarter. There was usually just one; sometimes two.

Most of my items are one of a kind so I have no need to even try to have duplicates.

I am working with support to try to nail down why this happens. it even happened in my scheduled listings. so twice per day i am auditing active listings and scheduled listings folders.

yesterday, i determined that some of the active listings on ebay are not appearing in the active listings auctiva folder. this could also cause duplicates.

i urge any other auctiva users to report anomalies to support. For example if you schedule 100 items and only 80 make it to ebay.
I have had duplicates in past and really did not investigate them much. After hearing itsjustme's issue I started doing checks on all listings every time I do mass relisting.

However, tonight I am listing from UNSOLD ended listings. I am listing along from my SAVED listings. Had just started checking for duplicates as I do each time I list a lot of relists same night. I get notice from ebay that I have duplicate listings. I check and sure enough some of my listings were listing twice within just a few minutes of each other tonight.

I thought I had read something a long time ago about warnings if you tried to relist same item within certain amount of days. Sure enough dug around, and found mine says:
Warn me when posting saved listings already posted within: 10 Days
(you put in # of days from drop down).

One item was listed at 9:39 p.m. and again at 10:34 p.m. Other was 9:31 p.m. and 10:34 p.m.

EBAY NOTE??? TIME 10:34 p.m. (same exact time that 2nd one relisted???

Obviously, either I am missing something or there is a big duplicate issue problem within auctiva.

I am going to write support on Monday, I find weekend responses are rather weak sometimes. But figure others need to check, check, check their listings.

This is huge issue since we can be permanently kicked off for duplicate listings.

Auctiva am I missing something here? Is there a setting change besides one mentioned above???

wow. at least you weren't suspended. if it happens a few more times that may happen and that is a horrible feeling.

you def need to send a support request on monday. perhaps it will grab the attention of Mike D. lately i have gotten answers as ridiculous as "change your password" as a fix to the issues, from some of the other support reps.

lookandbuyme, you may also want to alert ebay via phone that the duplicates were unintentional and ask them to note your file. in the event it happens again at least you are on record and might be able to avoid suspension.
I feel I was very lucky. Now I am going to attempt to go back to old ones if I can and see what what happened there. IF they are not too old to do.

If this is not our fault and ebay has contract with auctiva, surely auctiva can notify them of that this was their issue and no fault of ours. (if it is of course). I can practically give ebay response which usually is list through us and NOT 3rd party carrier. I do not know why they allow them if they do not want us using them.

I do not know how else to do this, as they caught it minute it hit the page, 2nd one went through at 10:34 p.m. and notice from ebay was 10:34 (seems impossible that bots just happened to be there at same time). IF ebay has new system of picking up instantly, then auctiva is going to have to figure out a way for them NOT to post twice, as this is not right.

First it cost us extra money in ebay, 2nd, I sure DO NOT want things listed twice, because 98% of what I sell I only have ONE of and if two are listed, and happen to sell I have a problem buyer. Plus, it is violation and I tend to be rule follower, because I firmly hate the zillions of same exact listings people put on. Say for example printer ink, you can't find the one you want from different sellers, because that has HORRIBLE duplication problem.

Auctiva???? Can you shed some light on this issue? Thanks
Last edited by lookandbuyme

I just hung up after over an hour on phone with ebay about the duplicate listings that went through last night. They said it is CLEARLY auctiva problem, not theirs. Of course, it is really in theory MY PROBLEM. Auctiva you have a contract with ebay, we are being penalized for things that we can't control?????

I also now getting duplicate confirmations and some triplicate on most items I list. Therefore, I am having to go and check each email to make sure that the listing number is the same so that I do not get slapped with duplicate problem and being thrown off for a period of time or permanently. This is a time eater and as you know time is $$$$$$$$$$ for ebay sellers. They also said that is auctiva problem and that auctiva is sending multiple notifications to ebay. I said, the notices come from ebay, they said this is clearly auctiva problem.

I asked for supervisor on this and several other issues and was told NO that there was no need to get a supervisor. He flatly refused 3 times. This rep truly wanted to argue rather than fix things, which is highly unusual for me the last couple of years. This rep was the "old ebay" of we do not give a crap, go to you know where attitude. Of course, this part is not auctiva problem.

Auctiva, What in Sam Hill is going on here. I have had the multiple notifications many times before but not like this. Almost every item I have listed is coming back as more than one confirmation.

I notice the forums have heated up today on lots of issues?

As far as my original duplicate listing issue, this may be tied together so I left one thread on it.

I hope this is not going to continue through holidays.

Will write support tomorrow, but feel these issues are probably a little more than a tech type person can handle. They appear to be larger and I do not want to be yanked around on this.

*********Also, how can I send print screen showing these duplicate and triplicate emails to support when I send my note tomorrow? So that I do not waste a lot of time going back & forth. I can just throw it all out there. ****
Last edited by lookandbuyme
Last night I list a pair of Nine West Shoes at 10:21, then I guess I did again at 10:34 (I guess I did and not auctiva since am not 100% sure will take this one) Well, at 10:44 I noticed that I had listed same pair 2 times. (unfortunately I was again getting duplicate notifications on all listings from ebay but happened to notice this one)

I immediately went in and ended one of them which meant I had one pair on. Well, at 12:39 (my time) I get a note from ebay that I had duplicate listing and they ended item, which meant I had NONE active.

I got on with ebay right before they closed for night, explained duplicate notifications (they checking into). I then told what happened he apologized profusely. Soooo even if you notice and end they may still grab one hours later.

He strongly suggested listing through ebay, said WHY the autiva templates are so nice. He said yes they are. BUT we have a tool that will NOT ALLOW duplicate listings. They NEVER post if they are duplicate. You get NOTICE THAT IT IS DUPLICATE AND CAN"T BE LISTED. He said too many people were genuinely posting doubles accidentally and they put tool in place.

Auctiva, I know we are supposed to get warning if we are posting duplicate, however, it is nothing that really stands out and very easy to miss. I did not even realize it was there until last week.

AUCTIVA ????????????? AUCTIVA
Is auctiva working on a tool that will totally BLOCK duplicate listings? Similar to the block that is in place if a listing requires say "Condition" or Item Specifics that the listing WILL NOT POST period.

Auctiva please let us know if this is in the cards. . this is huge problem for some of us.

Last edited by lookandbuyme

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