Manuals! Be heard!
eBay recently instituted a policy banning the sale of Teacher Edition
educational materials.
The primary reason for this policy, according to eBay, is that they
cannot tell if the person
buying the materials is a student that wishes to cheat.
As a result of this policy, eBay has cancelled many of its member's
auctions. eBay members
that are selling these Teacher Edition materials are typically
homeschool parents who are
selling complete homeschool curriculum packages (which include the
homeschool teacher
reference materials) to other homeschool parents, as well as people
selling antique educational
books from other eras.
Homeschoolers often rely on selling their used curriculum in order to
pay for the next year's
educational materials. eBay's policy makes this practice nearly
impossible on their website.
By signing this petition, you are acknowledging that you agree to the
* This eBay policy is not logical, is unfair, and should be changed to
allow legitimate homeschool
materials and educational antiquities to be sold on the eBay website.
* If it is too difficult for eBay to enforce the policy given the
allowances above, then the policy
should be eliminated altogether.
* By its very nature, this eBay policy is prejudiced against
REMEMBER: When folks can't sell teacher's manuals, they won't be
available to buy either!
To add your name to the petition to eBay, go to:
Thank you