Hi MizBiz -
This is not a template problem but an addition of HTML in your description. Looks like this is your problem:
& n b s p (there is a whole block of them in there)
They are the code for nonbreaking spaces. They are generally added when you are using an HTML editor like FrontPage, etc...
Take those out and it works like a charm.
Here is how you do that:
Go to this link on the HTML practiceboards
http://www.practiceboard.com/?5741697I took them out the   for you already (but if you want to see what is causing the breaking - open your item, right click and click on View Source. The block is about 2/3rds of the way down the page.)
From the link you will see your HTML in a box at the top, the corrected listing at the bottom.
1. Ctrl+A
2. Ctrl+C
3. Find your listing in your eBay and click the "Revise Item" button
5) Click "Edit Description" then click the "Enter your own HTML" tab.
6) Paste the copied HTML in place of what's there and save your changes.
