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When I try to list an auction item for multiple items for example (10 of xproduct @.99 cents each), and include the buy it now price, the error check kicks in and says you cannot list multiple items with a buy it now price. Here is what error check says exactly-"eBay listing failed to pass validation for the following reason: Buy It Now Price cannot be specified for Dutch Auctions (quantity greater than one)."

Now I go to ebay at Ebay format explanationsand look up formats and how to list and it says under

Online Auctions :
" Receive bids on your item and sell to the highest bidder in a fixed length of time. You may also include a Buy It Now price in your auction.Quantity: Offer bidding on one or multiple items. Where: Your listing appears in the eBay category (or categories) you choose and in search results.

So I guess my question is what am I doing wrong?

I have them listed as an auction item, quantity of two on eBay USA site, in category 86728, starting price of 4.99 , Buy it now of 5.25 and no reserve price and it fails validation while using the Auctiva listing service.

Is this right? Can somebody explain this to me?

Thankx in advance,

just trying to do the right thing, and man sometimes it is hard to do even that
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Hi answrtek,

I just checked with eBay and verified that the "Buy it Now" feature cannot be used with multiple quantity auctions. I actually just tried to create a multiple quantity auction with a "Buy it Now" price using eBay's "Sell your Item" form, and I received the following message:

Please provide the correct information in the highlighted fields. Buy It Now price - A Buy It Now price cannot be used in a Multiple Item Auction. Please remove it.

If you have any additional questions or concerns, please file a support request using the appropriate link on our help page:

Thank you for the quick answer.

I knew it did not work.

I guess I was just trying to understand what the rules were for listing.

If you read eBays page on this it appears as if it is allowed because of the language they use to explain it.

I asked Auctiva support to explain it and they essentially said the same thing, that eBays wording is unclear on the matter.

I have escalated the issue to eBay and asked for the page(s) in question to be clarified and a more thourough explanation.

I appreciate your response.

Have a great day !


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