I was surprised to see little posted on the fact that the CSV report generated by Auctiva's "Report Generator" creates date fields that are not Excel compatible. I found a 2009 complaint / solution here.
I filed a help ticket and the fact there is little activity here on the problem was reason enough for the support person to say it's a minor problem and there's no scheduled fix for it. It sounds like it's not even in the queue of bugs to fix.
I'm baffled how a report, that you would certainly want to sort by DATE, has a date field with data that Excel can't parse.
I saw one solution posted that involved making another column with a formula to parse out the date from the text given. Straight-forward and trivial to do, but you have to do it every time you run a report.
Has anyone else suggested fixing this?
Or, has anyone found a workable solution that is permanent?
Thank you for your time...