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The Auctiva TOS states

"Fees and payment
Auctiva reserves the right to charge listing fees for certain listings, as well as transaction fees based on certain completed transactions using the Services. Auctiva further reserves the right to alter any and all fees from time to time, without notice."

Where can I find more information on these fees, please?
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I understand that in time Auctiva will charge fees for their service, after all it is in business to make money. No problem with that.

Just my opinion;
When the time for setting fees comes around, try to remember why the users you have today are using Auctiva, don't get greedy like eBay which is a universally hated (is that too strong?) for the way it tries to grab every penny it can because it can (i.e. it has cornered the market).

I understand for example that eBay now charge it's US customers for using 10 day auctions - I am sure that will come to the UK pretty soon especially if they can prove it's an effective revenue raiser.

Another thing as far as Auctiva is concerned is, of course that they haven't got the same level of market share that eBay has and users can easily move to a more cost-justified option.
Fees Fees Fees!

auctiva let's not spoil a good thing here!

With great respect, auctiva you are leading the way with a service which doesn't make people think about money they are losing BUT makes people think about money they can gain!

In the long run you will win more respect and have more help from the "Good Guys" when you don't charge for this service.

Who knows, may be one day you will have your own auction site and with all the satisfied and loyal users you have and will gain, I am sure you will not need to charge for your auctiva listing tool but promote it as it is the best on the web!

If you were to charge I know you would lose faithful users in their droves.

Stay free and you will be free and more people will look at the positives of joining auctiva rather than the negatives, which puts people off in the first place.

If I'm not mistaking, I'm pretty confident that the nice guys at auctiva plan on keeping everything free, but they will be adding on certain features that will make them more revenue. Right now they have the UPIC insurance, and I'm sure in the future they'll add things like printing shipping labels and bulk listing as revenue builders.
If they brought in a bulk listing fee I am sure people would leave auctiva and return to turbo lister which I believe is going to have a big make over.
It is always better to stick with what you know and master it to find any flaws (which turbo has alot of) auctiva is just teething troubles.
I have never understood the UPIC or auctiva insurance but I know auctiva is going to work for me instead of me working for auctiva!
Originally posted by sirvinyl:
I have never understood the UPIC or auctiva insurance but I know auctiva is going to work for me instead of me working for auctiva!

The UPIC insurance is what auctiva offers. Instead of purchasing insurance through the PO, you can buy the insurance through auctiva for a significant savings(1.05 instead of 1.30 for the first 50 bucks). I'm sure auctiva probably makes a nice chunk of profit off it.

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