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This may sound really stupid .But .I have a store on ebay .I have inported all the listings to auctiva but now how do I change them .Itried two or three times but each time instead of editing my listings it created a new listings .And secondly the listings are for only 30days how do I make it till cancelled .
Thanks A lot
Original Post

This is what I did:

Pick one of the imported listings from the "Saved Listings" Imported Listings" and choose ""Edit"

On the top you will see the choice of format; make your choice

Keep going choice by choice. Item Conditions only appear after you choose your Category. Keep going choice by choice. Make sure you don't miss any. You will see the duration there too.

When you get to template pick your template if you are using the standard ones from Auctiva. If you are not, either save the listing and go back later after you created the Custom Template or go back and finish that part later. Save the listing by choosing "Save" not "Save as New".

If you follow this instructions you will be able to relaunch the listing as an Auctiva Listing. Just make sure to end the other one first so you don't have a duplicate. If you want to keep the listing going and save the pennies you have to get the html from the saved listings folder. It's right up there on the top row. Then Copy (do not cut) and paste into you cerrent l;isting on Ebay. It will not be available through Auctiva check out, though. So to keep things uniform it might be easier to end the existing listing on Ebay and relaunch through Auctiva. It is also best if you are not comfortable with working with HTML. Any questions, please let me know.

I did this and worked well.

Best of Luck,

Vera B.

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