Hi Zac, --- You probably haven't done anything "wrong"!
Ebay sequesters brand-new listings sent from 3rd party listing-tool services (like Auctiva) and examines them to ascertain they aren't scams or fraud attempts. They will show up and be available to the public within anywhere from 2 to 4 hours after you post them to ebay. There are numerous postings here on the boards about this...and it is a subject which has caused a considerable amount of confusion and anxiety for folks who don't realize this at first. Don't worry... be patient and give it a few hours. ~~ On the category issue... if your listing has been mis-categorized, then you should be able to 'revise' your listing to re-categorize it using the ebay 'revise-listing' feature. (I believe this is right...somebody correct me here if I'm wrong).