I know I am doing something wrong with my html image tag coding, (in a custom template) but I can not remember how to set the image code to create pictures in my template that ARE NOT clickable to a supersize picture.
Here is the coding I am curerntly using in templates that have 4 large 400px size pictures.
I thought it was a SET picture, but I just discovered when looking through some of my ebay auctions, that this coding makes the template look as if it is a set picture, but is actully clickable.
Its no big deal really, but I would like to have the right code if someone knows it (Captain are you there ?)

I tried saving the template (in the create/edit template) section as:
Choose image type = Original images (Images as they are, with no resizing or links to supersize.)
It did not work though. I also tried saving it as "original Images URL's. (Insert image URL only. User will be responsible for all HTML img tags.)
but that didn't work either. So it must be the code I'm using in the template.
Any ides what I'm doing wrong ? should there only be 1 image tag when you don't want the picture to be enlarged ??
any help would be most welcome. Thanks