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Hi, I think it might be worth reviewing these items, doing a completed item search and working out why they didn't sell. Changing your starting price or the key words in your title might make a dramatic difference to your sales. I wouldn't relist thousands of items in one go without changing them. You could just investigate and relist 10 items a day.

Have fun and good luck Smile
This might help (copied from another thread)

dually710 Click Help then click listings you will find this information I am also posting it here How do I relist items through Auctiva?

1. Locate the listing(s)* in your Closed Listings folder and click the checkbox
*You may choose up to 100 closed listings at a time to relist. Make sure you are displaying 100 items/page and then click the checkbox in the blue header to mark all the listings on the page.
2. Once you have chosen all the listings you would like to relist, then click the Relist button.
3. This will take you to a page to verify that you do want to relist all the items on that list.
4. Click "Relist Now" and your items will relist and will show the new item number.

Important notes

* Items relisted through Auctiva will be eligible for reimbursement of eBay relisting fees according to eBay rules and regulations
* Only items relisted through Auctiva will show as such on the Closed listing page. Items relisted elsewhere (e.g. on eBay itself) will not display relisting information on the Closed listing page.
Posts: 3 | Registered: July 13, 2007

Ignored post by TazFromPA posted 17 Jul, 7:21 PM Show Post


Posted 17 Jul, 8:32 PM Hide Post
Originally posted by dually710:
can i just schedule an already saved and previously listed auction (through auctiva) and be eligible that way?

Hi - Just to add a little to Taz's good info: You can only relist through either Auctiva's CLOSED folder, or ebay itself, and get the credit. If you "relist" from your SAVED folder, it will constitute a NEW post, rather than a relist(even if previously listed), and therefore not be eligible for credit.

Also you can not SCHEDULE a relist from Auctiva at this time(planned for future upgrade), as you can a new listing. When you click relist from your closed folder, the auction will post immediately. If you want to schedule, you can only do that from ebay (and be charged their 10 cent fee).

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