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Hello Smile

I can't seem to get the eBay required "wall of text" about the book to show up in my saved listing.

I have the book selected, and it even gave me the title for the listing.

"Include Additional Product Information" is checked and when I click the on it shows everything about the book as it should.

But none of this is showing in the listing when I preview it.

After an hour I'm about to give up and just list from eBay =( Hope someone can help me out!
Original Post
Hi Skogul,

Thanks for contributing to our forum. Our preview page does not currently support the display of the additional product details which can be added from eBay's catalog so what you have described is actually expected behavior at present. Fortunately, these details will show up on your listing once it has been submitted to eBay though.

We will look into the possibility of updating our preview page to display these details when selected as part of a future site update.

I hope this helps. If you need any further assistance with your account, please feel free to contact our Customer Support team by mousing over the “Help” tab on our site and selecting the “File Support Case” option.


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