I think I'm 99% sure on this,but don't take my word for it.Auctiva in an interface related with eBay.Auctiva is also an Affiliate of eBay.Meaning that if some one goes to your store with the Auctiva interface on your listing & you sell something. As you know when ever you sell an item eBay will take a commission.Then out of that commission eBay will pass part of it on to Auctiva.
To give a better example here's one of my sites
www.atvnewnused.comUsing a differn't interface all eBay related but I own non of the items, but I earn commissions through people going to my site then clicking through to eBay. Once they do that,they then become my customer where I earn commissions through sales.Thats how Auctiva makes money & so they should. This interface is far better then the Turbo Lister that I hate.