Hi I have read a few of the other threads where people have asked how they place the store window at the bottom. Now I know how to do it but I want the store window to be AUTOMATICALLY placed at the bottom NOT the top. I have seen the replies from the Auctiva admins and all they say is that the store window is placed at the top by default and it sounds like there is no way to change that apart from having to disable the store window (from store window settings), then AFTER listing the item having to go back to revise your item and place the html in the listing. This is a very time consuming process and annoying too. Maybe I just chose the long route but would really appareciate it if anyone knows how to choose in the settings to automatically place the store window at the bottom right from the beginning. I do not want to have to keep revising all my items just to put the store window at the bottom. Having it at the top just looks silly and puts people off the listing (thats my view anyway). Would really appreciate any help with regards to this. Thanks to anyone who replies in advance!
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