When I recently uploaded a few listings for the first time from Auctiva I discovered, quite incidentally, that my listings had been corrupted. Underneath each line of normal text there appeared HTML. I use firefox as my browser and despite clearing memory etc I still couldn't see the HTML whereas others could. I then went in by IE and that's when I saw the HTML. I contacted Auctiva techies and I got the following message back. I followed all the instructions and my listings were sorted.
Re the HTML text: "This happens if you are creating your description in Word with spacing and text formatting prior to loading it into the design editor. If you are doing this you will need to make sure and not do any text formatting n the description until it is loaded in the design editor. also be sure that you are using the 'paste from word' button to import the text from Word. This button is a clip board with the blue 'W' on it in the top left side of the design editor.
In order to remove the HTML from your listings you will need to use IE7 and revise your items on eBay using the standard editor. The HTML should show up when viewing in the standard mode and you can just delete any HTML that shows up. You can also use IE7 to view the previous of your listings in Auctiva prior to listing just to make sure that the HTML does not appear.'
Hope this helps others hitting the same problem.