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One of my products I'm selling (item #110664952217) has ebay saying it received 11 views after 6 days while the Auctiva active listings say it has only 1 so far.

In fact, for this particular item, ebay tells me 7 views came in a single night (last night to be exact) whereas my other items received none.

BTW, I have NOT relisted anything because the auctiva CEO says they reset the numbers to 0 when the item's relisted.

What's the deal?
Original Post

Here is a thread that was recently started on views etc.

I just checked some of mine on one particular brand and all except one auctiva shows 1/2 of amount of hits ebay shows. On the ONE auctiva shows 20 more than ebay does. Others ebay nummbers appear inflated.

Hopefully this thread will help some.


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