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Ok, I guess I'm fairly new with auctiva. I posted some ads last night and on my biggest lot something very annoying is taking place. Something is causing the listing to be extra wide, you have to use the sideways scroll bar. I don't like this on other peoples ads and I certainly don't want it to be happening on mine!!! You know the more work someone has to do to look at your listing the more likely they are to leave and go to someone elses instead!! Can someone please look at the auction and give me some guidance on how to fix it? Thanks in advance! It's at
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Hi benya121,

I believe the reason this listing is so wide is because the template stretched to accomodate the very large image you have placed directly into the description.

You should be able to fix this listing via the following process:

1) Locate your listing in your Saved Listings folder, make any necessary changes, and save.
2)Check the box next to your updated listing in your Saved Listings folder and click the “Get html” button.
3) Copy the html in the popup box.
4) Locate the item on eBay and click the "Revise Item" button.
5) Click "Edit Description" then click the "Enter your own html" tab.
6) Paste the copied html in place of what's there and save your changes.

In step 2, the necessary change you should make is to either remove the large image from the description or replace it with the same image after reducing the image size.

I hope this helps=)


You can try to decrease the percentage of the template, so you can at least fix the running auction. Go to ebay, revise ite, revise description. Right after the code for the store window, there is a percentage figure. I think the default is 95%. try reducing that to 90% or less, than preview the item description in Ebay until you are happy with the result. Just try different numbers and see what works. As to why it is loading that way, I am sorry , I don't know. Also remember to refresh the page and/or clear your cache as the page could be cached or stored in you pc in the wide format.

Hope this helps.


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