I was very fustrated when I first started using Auctiva to list on eBay. I just jumped right in before reading and listening to the tutorials.
Just recently, I upgraded my photo equipment on my end, which has really sped up the process of listing an item on Auctiva, and / or eBay. I bought, on eBay, a Kodak EasyShare CX4230, which was a complete package with all wires and disks and a ONE TOUCH camara dock. The Kodak Easyshare program downloaded from the included CD, allows me to take digital photos, place camara in the camara dock, press one button on the camara dock which downloads the photo's to my computer. I am then able to edit the photo's fast OFFLINE before downloading to my Auctiva listing.
Photo is ready for the listing before I place on the listing, NO further editing needed.
I rarely list the same item twice (I sell mostly used collectable ceramic mugs). . . so I must admit, I have not set up any folders for my photo's on Auctiva. I find a new mug to list, I take a new photo with my Kodak EasyShare CX4230, edit photo via Kodak program on my computer, I download the photo to my listing on Auctiva.
I have set up a basic template on Auctiva I labeled MUGS.
I use this template for my mugs I list, and also for just about any other item I list.
The template loads all USUAL items I use to list a mug.
Last week I sold a Vintage Super 8 1950's viewer / editor.
Just to do a little bragging ... I bought at a local goodwill for $3.49, and sold on ebay auction for 128.50 ...
I will now list from memory the changes I had to make to the listing from my MUG template:
Item name.
Selling format, ( store item or auction format), I sell the majority of my mugs on my ebay store at a fixed price, or a MAKE OFFER NOW. I sold the Super 8 via Auction Format.
Ebay Catagory
My eBay Store catagories
Item description.
Most of my mugs ship at 1.5 lbs, I had to change the shipping weight to 8 lbs.
I added 8 photos, all photos were ready for the listing, NO further editing needed via Auctiva photo editing (cropping the photo and such).
I had to choose a photo to use as the gallary photo.
I usually ship as purchase of Auctiva Insurance as OPTIONAL. I ship worldwide. If I mark purchasing insurance as REQUIRED, EBAY seems to prevent possible international purchasers from bidding, since USPS will not insure a package sent to Canada, or any other available country available via Global Priority Mail, ...BUT auctiva will.
I rarely add any handling charges to my new listings. Most online customers do not like a handling charge. but I new I would need to spend a few dollars to buy shipping materials needed to SAFELY ship the Super 8 viewer from my porch, to my customers porch . . . so I did change the 0 dollar handling charge to $5 US dollars. I also add to the listing description that I have added a $5 US handling charge to the ACTUAL shipping charges for this item for purchase of any needed packaging material to safely ship this item. I also add: Ivan always refunds excess postage and handling fees paid via purchaser ... and really, I do refund the excess fees paid via customer!
I then view the listing.
I click the error check button on new UNUSUAL items, (I never receive an error on my mug listings ... ).
I post.
When I list a used ceramic mug, I do have to change the name and the description, and sometimes the shipping weight from the usual 1.5 lb, to a 1 lb, or 2 lb or more weight. Add photos. But that is all.
THE BIG PLUS! You are able to complete your listing for upload to ebay on ONE page. This is not such a big deal now that I have internet access via DSL, but when I was loading a listing via ebay or Auctiva via a telephone line on a old small NOT FAST computer, being able to set up the listing via ONE page really did save a LOT of time.
When do I use eBay SELL AN ITEM to list now? ... Only when I have more than one of a HOT item. I list the 1st item via Auctiva. Then I click after the 1st sell on the SELL SIMILAR ITEM button on the ebay listing, which downloads all of the 1st auctiva listing, onto the 2nd, or 3rd ... listing.
A couple years ago, before I used Auctiva, before I had DSL, before I had a FAST computer, I listed totally via Turbo Lister. Now, the only time I use Turbo Lister is for books, video's and records & tapes & CDs that all have a ISBN number printed on the item. If no ISBN number on the item, I list via Auctiva.
Have fun listing your items!
This week I just started a SKYPE account and made my first long distance call via my computer. I will start a new question on Auctiva COMMUNITY soon on how to add my SKYPE number / button to my Auctiva listings. Today, I do not know how . . . but, just thinking about the easy communication to me, from potential customers worldwide, and cheap, is blowing my mind away.
I also have setup a basic Auctiva Store, but I have not utilized this function too much. I DO add every new listing to my Kaboodle.com account (which adds all of my new listings to Google search) and boy does the search on google work good for me on my mug sells.
I also have set up a new blog:
http://www.ivanjay99.blogspot.com/by adding a simple Kaboodle WIDGET to my blog, all of my NEW listed items automatically are added to my blog. Search engines like this.
I am learning something new every day with online sales.
IMPORTANT!!! You MUST Have fun!
Don't forget to take the small amount of time it takes to review the available tutorials. Asking questions on the Auctiva Community pages is good too. Look at the info you have just received.


My eBay Store, Ivans Place:
http://www.stores.ebay.com/Ivans-PlaceMy Kaboodle: