I'm a newbie to Auctiva and I had someone create a custom template for me.. I've been filling it in and sometimes it's taking me forever because so many times things go wrong.. and I have no clue as to why...
One of the things that I can't figure out is how to make the pictures on my listings be able to be giant sized when buyers click on them? I don't know HTML or anything too difficult... for a newbie...
Could someone please explain in the simplest terms (as if you were talking to a literate 5 year old..) lol how to accomplish this feat?
As it stands... If someone scrolls over my pictures they get a little bit bigger but not jumbo sized. I tried checking out my listing on Ebay (I only have one so far) and then I clicked on one of the photos to see if they would get bigger... What happened was that a box appeared in a new window (?) and said that I could either save or download the photo??? I downloaded it just to see what would happen... and my picture suddenly appeared jumbo sized, but sideways...??? not right side up...
I called a girlfriend and asked her to pay my listing a visit, to see what would happen if she clicked on a pic... and she said that when she did, a new wondow appeared.. with an X on it ... she clicked on the X and the pic became jumbo sized???
Can some puleeezze tell me what I'm to do about thsi?? I's very important that my photos can be made to look BIG but buyers shouldn't have to jump through hoops to accomplish it.
This is just one of my current dilemas... on Auctiva.
Please, please help me.
Thanks in advance.