Hi Pat,
While it is possible to apply Auctiva templates to your listings that have not already received bids, it is a fairly cumbersome process that involves basically recreating these listings in Auctiva. This can be accomplished by revising each of these listings via the following process:
1) Recreate the listing in Auctiva.
2) Once you have finished, click the "Save" button.
3) Return to your Saved Listings page, check the box next to the item, and click the "Get HTML" button.
4) Select All and copy the html in the popup window.
5) Go to the item that is active on eBay and click "Revise Item" then "Edit Description"
6) Click the "Enter Your Own HTML" tab above the description editor.
7) Delete the html that is already there and then paste the copied html in its place and save you changes.
I hope this information proves useful. If you would like further assistance, please file a support request using the appropriate link on our help page: