Originally posted by funnyauctica (6/7/07):
i have hundreds item unsold each day , I really need a fast way to relist all by schedule time , can any one help me ,
the list fee is expensive and sold rate is low , ebay eat all our profit actually ,
Hi - I hope you are not offended if I offer an observation. It seems that by listing the same item every 10 minutes around the clock (24hr), you are flooding your own market. There is a limit to the demand for your product (only so many buyers). This is roughly indicated by the number of your sales from week to week. If the number of your listings greatly exceeds the demand, it seems to me that any increase in sales (due to increased market share) would quickly be exceeded by the very high number of unsold listings and fees - the law of diminishing returns. (Flooding the market also has the effect of drastically reducing prices for everyone in that market.)
If you were to reduce the number of listings to more closely match the number of your actual sales, with closing times matched to your best selling times, you might be able to significantly reduce your wasted listings and fees, while still selling about the same amount - all resulting in higher profits. I believe it would be worth some experimenting. The reduction could be done in stages to allow monitoring, in order to determine the optimum level for best profits.
Of course I do not know anything about your business, including the nature of the competition, so it is possible these suggestions may not apply to you, but I hope you will take them in the spirit in which they are given.