Several questions.
1) I want to delete a profile, but I get a message that I can't because it is in a master file. How do I get rid of it then?
2) I revised my item details profile but the revisions sometimes show up and sometimes do not.
What can I do to ensure it does it every time?
3) Sometimes a line is taken from one place and put it at the very end of the description. How can I avoid that?
4) Sometimes the spacing is different if I look at the preview, the lines are spaced differently than I had it arranged.
5) I mostly save my pictures as 400 pixels or less; sometimes the pix is not the same size as I saved it. One that is 400 x 400 in the listing SHOWS smaller than one that actually IS smaller in the same listing
6) If a saved listing does not have "7 days" or "30 days" next to it, does that mean it is "good till cancelled"?
Thanks for any help.
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