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Hi everyone,
Has anyone noticed a problem with their listings where they have checked the international site visibility box on Auctiva, but when the listing reaches Ebay, the box is not ticked. I post all my auctions in the UK with international site visibility ticked so that I can get exposure in the US and Canada and only noticed when revising on Ebay, that the box was not ticked, so I did them all manually. I am concerned that this may have been going on for some while and I have only just noticed, has anyone else noticed?

I have filed a support request, but it has been sent on for further investigation and I am now awaiting an answer.
Original Post
Hi rtrichdick,

Thanks for helping to bring this issue to our attention. We have received similar reports from several other users as well and the root cause of the problem is that, even though we are submitting the International Site Visibility option to eBay along with the listings, their API is dropping that option and returning the following warnings:

"This listing does not meet the cross border trade requirements."

If you are being impacted by this issue, you should be able to see these warnings within your account by clicking the orange number in the Notifications section along the top of any page within your account.

We have brought this issue to the attention of eBay's Developer Support team because it is something that needs to be fixed from the eBay side of things and they have posted an acknowledgment of the problem on the following thread of their Developer's Forum:

They will be posting further updates on the problem to that that forum thread when additional information becomes available so you should be able to check that thread for updates.

Last edited by auctivamiked

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