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This has been happening to me for about a month now, and I am sooo frustrated!! We list approximately 20-30 items per week, and I normally will type the descriptions in Word, then copy and paste into the item description when I am ready to list. I've never had a problem before, but lately when I copy/paste my description, I lose my Comic Sans font, as well as my colors (I normally use blue for the actual description, but use red letters to highlight a point). It pastes in dull, boring black letters. It will let me sometimes change the font (not all of the time), but I can't ever change the colors. When I click on the "change font color" box, nothing happens...not even a drop down. As much as I hate to say it, I am very tempted to just drop Auctiva and go back to listing direct on EBay. This is no longer a time saver for me.
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Hi... if you're familiar with Auctiva then you know that descriptions you may not be able to cc & paste without losing something along the way. Solution, type out your description in Auctiva then use the: font, color, size & any other special effects that you want including spell check.

Or you might try ctrl-paste.

I hope you don't feel that I'm being condescending because I am being very sincere. Smile

If you like to use Word then do it in plain type & put the effort to dress it up in Auctiva.

I personally don't know why you are suddenly having this trouble but I would guess your trouble is not Windows 8 but in the Word program that you are using. If you are using a very new version maybe the tech boy's & girl's haven't had a chance to update to the new program.

Just my humble input.

BTW, I know what other auction hosting sites are out their & for the money, hands down Auctiva is just as good if not much better (in some ways) than their competition. Again, just say'n
Thanks for the input, Matthew. I have tried what you were suggesting (typing my description directly into Auctiva), but the color still will not change. When I click the "change font color" box, I still get no drop-down box. And, because I only have the $9.99/mo package, I can not contact anyone at Auctiva about this. If you have any other suggestions, I will gladly give it a shot.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks for writing your post on here, so if others are having problem or have had they can maybe help you. Auctiva usually does not respond to posts here on weekends.

I would guess they will tell you to switch to new design editor if you are not already using it. (UNLESS you absolutely CAN NOT get it to work without switch I would NOT switch). The old one has a lot of features the new one does not AND once you switch you can't go back. (wish someone had told me that before I was told to switch only to find out problem I switched for new was not solution). Eventually they are dumping the old one for the new, but at this point, as long as you can use the old I would sure use it.

IF you are using the old have you tried stripping the template once you get it pasted in? (this is temporary fix, not permanent, just to get you moving and not sure it will help) There is no stripper on new if you are using old you will see eraser icon. Select entire listing and that will erase it. This may NOT be solution but worth a try.

Just for grins....make sure you have cleared the cache/etc., (HATE to say I rarely find that solution). BUT if you write support you can count on that being said. My suggestion have 9.99 plan as do I. Clear the cookies, etc. and then write support. Make sure you tell them that you have ALREADY done that!! If you do not tell them you probably have wasted your time and will get a note to do so.

Also, how do you like Windows 8? Just asking...sure dreaming of a new laptop....
Thanks for the information. I really like my Windows 8. However, I truly believe that Windows 8 is the problem. My husband has Windows 7 on his computer, and I was able to change the font and color with no problem at all. I can also change on Windows XP, so I am pretty sure it is a Windows 8 thing. Hopefully, someone from Auctiva will reply to this post soon, and maybe realize that they need to change something in their system to accommodate for Windows 8. When I asked earlier, I was told to switch to the new design editor which I did. Like you, I am not a fan, and there is nothing I can do about it now, and it DIDN'T help Mad
Interesting....maybe you should start a new thread asking others if they are using WIndows 8 and what their experience on it is asking them to check the colors on theirs. I would start new because if they are not having this problem would probably not read deep into this thread.

I know someone who is using windows 8 will see if they are still using auctiva and if they are listing now to see what their experience is. Not sure she is using them still but will check.

New Design editor, interesting, another dis-liker, but we are stuck and can't back up. (seems like Ed said once, have either you choose would make more happy since it is already a working feature it is not like they have to totally reinvent the wheel). If new one had the old one features I would be much happier with it for sure....but just have not seen anything "improved" on it for my circumstances. Now...Auctiva may have some functions that I have not discovered that are way improved. If so would love to know truly could start to love if there were hidden treasures that I have not found, and could very well be, as I am a creature of habit and rarely discover new things on my own. Tell me what they are and I will usually try them...but don't wait on me to find them. Guess this explains why I hated "Where's Waldo" Roll Eyes

Sorry you are having problems. Hopefully they will help you out today
Last edited by lookandbuyme
Hi style_quest,

Thanks for contributing to our forum. There is a known compatibility issue between Internet Explorer 10.0 for Windows 8 and the description editor within your account that is causing the “Text Color” and “Background” color options not to function properly which we hope to address with a future site update.

I am not aware of any similar issues involving the “Font” option you mentioned having trouble with at times, but I have passed your feedback about that to our Development team so it can be reviewed when the issue with the other buttons is addressed.

For the time being, I believe you could potentially work around these issues on your Windows 8 machine by using the Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome browsers instead, which can be downloaded at no cost from and respectively.

I hope this helps. If you need any further assistance with your account, please feel free to contact our Customer Support team by mousing over the “Help” tab and selecting the “File Support Case” option.

Question, semi-related here....

I am not aware of any similar issues involving the “Font” option you mentioned having trouble with at times, but I have passed your feedback about that to our Development team so it can be reviewed when the issue with the other buttons is addressed.

Auctiva the part of this that says "reviewed when the issue with the other buttons is addressed" which buttons is this you are referring to? You know my hope is to get some of the buttons that were on the old design editor on the new one, so hoping that is issue with buttons? If not which buttons are having issues? As I am re-gearing to start listing from scratch again and if there are button problems I can put that off for week or so hoping for fix as I sure don't need/want frustration and go arounds when I restart.

Hi lookandbuyme,

Sorry about the confusion. I was only commenting on the issue with the buttons that was mentioned by the original poster, which is that the "Color" and "Background Color" menus (and potentially the one for “Font”) are not working when using the latest editor through Internet Explorer 10.0 for Windows 8.

I am not aware of any current plans to add any additional buttons to the latest version of the description editor, but we realize there are some buttons on the old editor that you would like to see added to the new one.

While the new editor may be old, I am not sure how to differentiate the two, as to someone who is changing to it it is new to them. However, I have tried to avoid saying the good one and bad one as some people love the latest one I am sure. I just happen to miss features of the oldest one that saved me lots of time especially in stripping templates of html. Apparently, this was a pretty good feature as it was recommended to me by auctiva for this purpose on more than one occasion to many of us. Not sure why it was not used on new one. Now there is no way to strip one without cutting/pasting that I know of.

Boy time flies 2010!! I have used for awhile but not sure how long. As was irritated about it taking 9 months for one of the fixes on it.

Sure seems the problems with the newer one should be ironed out very smoothly at this point. I have not done very many new listings in gearing back up...soon. Hoping I find easier way to deal with stripping code out.
Wow, I agree, I didn't realize it has been 2+ years with the newer editor. That is a long time to not have issues with this editor fixed.

Not to confuse the issue but it would seem, from personal experience as I use both, to most that compatibility issues exist with the new editor.....There are issues with IE and Chrome and the newer editor that I can attest to.

Firefox is the most compatible with the new editor and switching editors to the new editor is not a resolution...and unless you can pin point the problem with some amount of accuracy.....and not make guesses. Just like what was recently posted is rarely a fix to anything.

The old editor really doesn't/didn't have the issues the newer one has.
One of the biggest problems is that when someone experiences issues using the newer editor there is no work around with it either as they cannot fall back to the older editor which has way less issues and is the better editor. Instead users are stuck.

Personally don't like having to use the new editor, which I am forced to use on one account Never had a choice of using the newer or the older) and don't like the idea of being FORCED to use an editor with known issues especially considering the issues have not been resolved on over 2 years now.....that in turn causes problems and a great loss of time and aggravation when listing. When I get stuck with an issue with the newer editor I have the option "most times" of listing on my other site using the older editor.....because using the older editor doesn't have the issues that prevent listing properly or at all.

Also the compatibility issues are on Auctiva's end. Not with IE or any other browser. The editor is a program that is supposed to be compatible with the 3 browsers. They are not and that is where the issue lies. The browsers are not required to be compatible with is Auctiva that is required to be compatible with the browsers.

The compatibility issues can only be fixed on Auctiva's end....with the design editor programming.....not with the users of the program and not by switching to the newer editor that has even more issues.

Just sayin'.

Being able to revert back to the older editor should be the fix to problems with the newer is the fix even with all 3 browsers and other programs etc when there are browser issues etc. Those programs can always be removed and older versions are always available to people can continue to properly use the programs for whatever they need to. Updates are also able to be uninstalled with most programs which eliminates issues with updates when they occur.

The same should be available here and would eliminate the workarounds in most cases and would eliminate the inability to use certain features in other.

I also don't understand why people are automatically just being told to switch editors especially when no one even bothers to ask which editor they are using first.
Doing this can make issues worse or create additional issues.

The first step to resolving a problem is to gather information, ask questions etc not throw out random scripted responses. I have found several of the exact same responses, word for word given just because the editor was mentioned.
Last edited by trinkets
While I appreciate Mike D. at least reading the post, I have to totally agree with Trinkets. Why should I have to change my browser to be compatible with Auctiva? I use IE because of other programs that I run. I am not familiar with Firefox, and really don't want to use Chrome. When you say, Mike, that there is a "known compatibility issue between IE 10 for Windows 8 and the description editor within our account that is causing the Text Color and Background color options not to function properly which we hope to address with a future site update", how much into the "future" are you talking? A week? A month? Six months? A year?

This may not be a huge concern to you, but some of us heavily depend on Auctiva for our income, and don't have the time to "work around it" for very long.

Also, it seems kind of funny that, using my current browser and Windows 8, I can change the color here, but not on my listing page. Just sayin'.
100% agree with both of these users. There seem to be some kind of compatibility issues with each browser. Originally used internet explorer because of compatibility issues, was suggested I use foxfire, so switched to that. I have used foxfire for listing because of issues in chrome, but have had issues loading photos in foxfire so use chrome for that. (hope I have that right)....but you get the drift. It seems that NO one browser is compatible with all of the features. Frankly, I do not care which browser I use, just make one smooth with all functions and I will happily switch. It has been quite frustrating for quite awhile now. Especially when trying to do pre-holiday listings. I can assure you I doubt I will go through another holiday season attempting to list the way I did this past season. As chrome was horrible...and after 9 months fixed only to have another problem (thankfully auctiva did fix 2nd problem fairly fast). Now, that being said, I have not been listing NEW listings lately but starting to gear back up and hoping I can use one browser....oh, no which way to go! I am hoping chrome will work for me for all this round. This DID for sure have an impact on my holiday I was chasing my tail trying to get them done, time is money for most of us.

By the way the way you said can change the COLOR here but not on listing...cute!!!

Hoping your issue is resolved soon!!!
Last edited by lookandbuyme
it is never a good idea to be the first to try any new operating system or any new version of IE. If one has more than one machine than trying things works but not if you only have one machine.

The latest is very rarely the greatest until time has passed and than it still may not be

we only pay $9.95 a month if it were $39.95 we'd have more reason to expect more.

I am sure there are many other applications that have issues with Windows 8 and/or IE 10

I use XP and Firefox because I dislike all things related to IE. If you only use a browser for a specific web site you really do not need to have a leaning curve as all you are doing is logging into Auctiva. Once there Auctiva is Auctiva with all its warts

As Trinkets has a computer background perhaps they can explain it
just saying
I guess I would have to say somebody has to be first to use a new product and recognize an issue and report it so auctiva knows there is issue somewhere along the line....(just glad it was not me) as I told Santa while I had been good this year Roll Eyes and he actually acted like he believed me (they don't have an angel or would have put that) I could wait a few months for my new toy. Simply said, I was too lazy to go and pick one out and Santa really is clueless about computers. Big Grin

But honestly seems there are compatibility issues with ALL of the browsers in Auctiva and many work arounds that have existed for quite awhile. I feel like a browser hopper using foxfire to list, chrome to load photos, etc., I only left IE for auctiva as it kept being recommended by them for most of my issues.

All other programs I use work fine in IE, Foxfire or chrome, only one I seem to have issue with is auctiva. Now granted I do not use tons of programs...but most here say this is only one with problem.

My thought it appears that while there is known issue with Windows 8, ie whatever number, there are issues with other windows products and/or versions of ie as well as other browsers.

As far as 9.95 a month...way I see that is my dry cleaner charges say $5.00 *(and I do not take cleaning so clueless to say if this is right #) to clean an item. They are sure not going to stay in business with my measly $5.00 x say 10 items a $50.00 would not keep them in business. They depend on MANY consumers using their cleaners to make a profit. Just as auctiva is NOT going to make it on MY $9.95 a month they depend on MANY consumers to use their service to make a profit. So while we pay $9.95 if you multiply that amount times the number of customers they should have that has to be a lot of money. So no my $9.95 will not keep them in business just as my $5.00 (or $50.00 month keep my cleaner going) it is the times that keeps most companies going. At $39.95 a month...I think quite a few would drop like flies...I am not willing to pay near that for things the way they are at present time. Honestly, I do not use more services than I used when they were free...and I have found since I started paying I am having more issues with the services once given for free. So guess I have issues digesting why I did not have as many problems when free as I do now that we pay. Seems with revenue coming in it should be better? Now...others probably think she is a is much better. Yes, there are things that have been done to improve, mostly ebay mandated, but in my opinion, there are things that have been dropped also that take away some of that this is great feeling. When I say ebay mandated, I can only go by what auctiva puts out there in feature center as done as recently without that updated I could not begin to track changes. We have asked several times that that be updated so we can see what is being asked for, what is on to do list and what has been done. I KNOW some of the items on the TO DO list have been done just not put on done list. And some on the wanted list I think have been done, or abandoned at least temporarily.

I am assuming since in their blog they state they
"operate as the largest third party development partner to a giant, such as eBay...."
that they have quite a few of us $9.95 ers. And yes, some pay less...others pay more.

Just saying..when you do the math this should be a pretty chunky number,(if you are accountant I am sure chunky is not the correct word) so seems with that number keeping things smooth would be a TOP PRIORITY and with the revenue of going from free to charging should be feasible!!!
Last edited by lookandbuyme
I apologize but it seems that I am rather confused and puzzled by your last post Ed. I am sure I am not understanding what it is you are trying to say here......

If you are happy because you have no expectations of things working properly because you are not paying 4X's more than the stated plan prices then that is great for you. I am happy for you. I really am...but has nothing to do with the issues being discussed and I am really not understanding what point you are trying to make or how you wanting to pay more has any bearing on anyone else. I for one don't want to pay more for the plan considering how things are currently working. To me that would be a poor business decision....but that is just my opinion.

I am really not understanding why you want to pay more if there are so many issues as it stands now.

Is it possible that you can clarify what point you were trying to make as it seems rather off topic and I am not really following what you are saying here or what you are asking of me to explain to you.
Last edited by trinkets
sorry was having a bad day when I posted

we are getting what 9.95 gets us. you cannot expect a company to be proactive or even staffed adequately when they charge such a small monthly fee. we are lucky they react at all. I am not saying that if they raised the price we would get good service but it would make it easier to leave. For 9.95 the value is reasonable. Am I frustrated of course. I had offered Auctiva $150 to fix an issue when eBay changed all their categories and that change wiped out all our Custom Item Specifics in Auctiva because they couldn't/wouldn't comprehend how easy it would have been to not make every item in Saved and Closed Folders to loose their Custom Item Specifics.
OK....I think I am starting to follow...kinda.

You need to read, on eBay, about the Certified Provider Program. That should clear up any misconceptions you are having about what you should expect and not for any certified provider....and that is per eBay as such companies are contracted as a third party provider and are required to live up to that agreement with eBay....regardless of what price any company charges.

You can also contact eBay's Certified Provider Program and they can explain it in their own words. There is a link that eBay provides.

I hope that is answering what you wanted explained in the earlier post???
Last edited by trinkets
WOW!!! I hope auctiva reads this and has a serious brainstorming session with serious thoughts as to what they can do to help us as sellers in 2013 to fix things that seem untied. (not necessarily brand new things, but loose ends of things we have complained about through last year) It is pretty sad when you have people who have used this system as long as some of us have this disillusioned.

Again, I feel for my money at cleaners I do not expect the thought process of everyone who goes there to be kind of what do you expect for for what you pay. I do expect them to react when I want my clothes ready when they say they will be. If their machine malfunctions then I expect them to have it fixed in a timely manner. I do not expect them to wait weeks and sometimes months to fix their machine or put a band-aid on their machine and attempt to give me my clothes half cleaned.

As with most businesses the best and worst advertising is word of mouth, from the people who are happy the best. The worst advertising are people that are upset because human nature is that more people will tell the bad than the good and more people remember the bad than good about a company.

I do know that keeping silent about issues and thinking...well you get what you pay for does NOTHING to help the community and sure does nothing to get things fixed. Silence is NOT golden. I always say it is the squeaky wheel that gets the grease. IF it had not been for loud squeaky wheels we would be paying HUGE amounts for this service (let me rephrase, some would be, I sure would NOT be as I could not have afforded the I range of $180.00 it was going to cost me to stay). There have been reversals of things because we spoke out and they listened. How does one know there is a problem if everyone says...well...what should you expect for whatever you pay and just stroll on.

At this point while we may give a payment of $9.95 a month...I frankly think back over the past few months and have spend quite a few man hours posting on forums in hopes of getting fixes, that slow down and have stopped the listing process which cost me and other money. So really we are paying much more than $9.95 it is just in time. And we know...time is money in this business.

This is quote from August 26, 2010 in News Review about auctiva this gives idea quantity of users they had at that time. I would assume the business should have grown since that time:

“We started out with 18 people. Today we have 18,000,”
Mind you I am fully aware that some pay less and some none, but others pay more.

I was extremely disillusioned and honestly down right mad, during that during (maybe Sept but for sure) October and November while getting prepared for the SUPER BOWL of selling for us, the Holidays, that things were taken away and I believe we spend 15 ish days begging for one thing to come back and other things not fixed in a timely manner (one thing taking 9 months only to be told of another issue, which I have to give credit was fixed in a very timely manner). These are two that come to mind instantly.

Did it affect (effect can never get it right) my bet it did. If we have to browse hop it cost us money. If we are posting on forums it costs us money. If we are going back to redo layouts it costs us money.

Also, this $9.95 is one thing, Auctiva produces income from the shipping services that some use, as well as the insurance they offer. I am sure it is small amounts...but small amounts grow just as our $9.95 grows when multiplied out.

They also own the ecommerce, kick it back and auction sniper which produces income through the site. So this $9.95 is not the only income source they are getting from some of us. There are probably others...just those come to mind pretty fast.

I do realize we have moved this thread wayyyyyy off topic and hi-jacked the original intent of it....but hoping this will be read along with others from past few months and maybe our input taken and seriously evaluated.

My hope is that 2013 will bring us some nice fixes and a sense of harmony between auctiva personnel and its customers. I think in the end that is really what we all want.
Last edited by lookandbuyme

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