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Not sure if I have the right forum, but here goes. I created some custom profiles. One I created and called 'comics' for when I list my comic books. It has a general description with all my formatting, start price, template, etc. The problem is that when I preview, or Post a listing, the item description is not "Super fantastic comic NR 1st issue" as may be entered in the Title, but rather it put 'comics'...the title of my profile. Has anyone else seen this and do you know how to avoid it, other than not using the profile?

Original Post
Hi sucosam,

Since you have not desigmnated a title within your "comics" item details profile, there should be nothing entered in the "Template Title" field when it is loaded onto the lister page.

However, I just loaded your "Master Comic" master profile, which contains your "comics" item details profile, and I see that is not currently the case.

I'll bring this issue to the attention of our engineering department and they will work on a resolution as soon as possible.

In the mean time, if you would like different text to be displayed as the header of your template, please enter the desired text in the "Template Title" field when creating you listings.


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