We've released a few new things today. A new feature, we've updated to match a change with eBay CA, as well as a couple of little bug fixes.

Here is a summary of the major things we've released:
AUC-2128 - Create account preference that sets the Optional eBay Gallery images as always ON or always OFF by default.
We've heard your requests for this option in your Account Preferences, and so we have released this option to you. If you would like to disabled or enable the "Enable Optional eBay Gallery Images" option when creating your new listings, you can now do so via the "Account Preferences" page within the "My Account" tab.
AUC-2125 - Restrict USD as a currency option for listings posting to eBay CANADA.
As of today, eBay no longer accepts USD Currency for listings posted to eBay Canada, so we have updated our site to remind you of this when creating listings to eBay CA.
As always, if you have any questions regarding this release or if you face any other questions or issues, please don't hesitate to reach out to our Support Team here.
I hope y'all have a wonderful day and happy selling!!!
Johnnie Q.
Auctiva QA