Most of my time are waste on text/space/style formatting that doesn't turn out the way I wanted it to be. What I see on the editor and editor preview is often different to what I get with preview button on the bottom of the editing screen and also different to how the actual listing looks like on ebay.
Sometime I will format my listing in the editor and when I preview with the preview button, the formatting is different on my edit screen. Different paragraph would have different font style or size and some formatting are not showing up. Spacing are wrong. A lot of little differences would show up
Initially I tried to copy my detail from my local MS doc to Auctiva but the formatting is mixed up then I tried the "Paste word button" which doesn't really work as well, then I tried to take out all the formatting with the editor clear function and redo the formatting manually and the have problem is still there.
Right now I am like creating a listing wishing it might turn out the way I want it to be...if not then I just randomly delete this and that trying to make it work. Horrible..

Anyone out there having these type of problems? I really want to know how other users are doing their listing with these frustrating errors and unexpected changes.
Any expert out there that can help or point me to a solution? I might have to give up auctiva if it is so time consuming to just do a simple listing the way I want it.
Thank you,