This Auctiva thing REALLY doesn't play well with Ebay.DE (Germany).
Despite my listing passing the "Error Check", it has failed to list a couple of times today.
1. It seems the starting price must be 1.00Euro (not 0.99, as I entered). Nice to know.
2. The "Domestic Handling" field must also be completed for Germany - Also not picked up in "Error Check".
I have desperately tried to re-list my item several times, so that I don't miss my optimal closing time/ date.
But NO:
Now, I have ANOTHER failure, related to active scripts/ video content?
I assume this is something related to the way Auctiva generates pages? Or just a quirk of Ebay.DE?
The free trial has shown me that Auctiva is unreliable, clunky and time-consuming.
And they charge you people REAL money for this "Product"?
Rather you than me.
For the sake of saving a little money on image hosting, I'll list my occasional items directly with Ebay from now on - MUCH as it pains me to give them a larger slice of my cash, I'm HOPING my items will at least make it onto their site, rather than repeatedly failing to list.
A product to make something EASIER really shouldn't be this much hassle.
All the best.