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Cntrl-F after "clicking" inside the box gives me the standard Search pop-up box, which I believe that key sequence is suppose to do in Windows. I typed in a search word that exists in the text and it highlighted that word instantly in the text. Are you not getting the pop-up search? Are you not clicking inside the box to set the start of search area? Not clicking inside the box at being of the text, and then using Cntrl-F with a search word (same) did give a "Text Not Found" result for me.

Jumpy....could be slow loading for some, i.e. it's not finished loading so jerks to a final position on complete. I'm on cable internet, so probably can't replicate a slow load problem with the page. Are you using dial-up?

Try to save and it jumps to description.

Yes, I'm able to duplicate that with IE7. A second attempt to Save works.


Edit: It only does that when the cursor is left inside the box. The "cursor" positioning on the page may be the issue associated some of the reported misbehavior.

Work-around is click outside the box, then Save.
Hi Community,

Thanks for helping to bring this issue to our attention. I am able the behavior described about with the "Save" button in Internet Explorer as well and I have reported this issue to our engineering team so they can look into getting that corrected.

In the interim, as Danno mentioned, the "Save" button should work the second time if you just get bounced up to the description section of the listing when you click it the first time.

If you have any other questions regarding your Auctiva account, please feel free to contact our customer support team using the web form on the following page of our site:

I am have so many new things happen now that we have the new update. Like others I have a very jumpy screen. The other and even more annoying problem is using old templates to make new ones is now causing problems that never happened before. The spacing seems to change from one listing to the next as well as occasionally rearranging it. I can't seem to do what I used to do. I used to use one listing and just make a few changes to it then save it as new and schedule it. Now even starting from scratch is causing me some problems.
I don't understand it. Things are still jumping and listings seem to morph from one use to the next. I will make a listing then "create a similar listing" from the one I just did and the description is all messed up, different font, spacing, etc. I have considered using "pay for" Auctiva services but am reluctant until the non-pay for stuff is fixed. Too many horror stories for a finacial commitment at this point. BTW this happens with IE or Firefox for me.
I am having font problems with my profiles. They do not show up in the font that was saved in the profiles I have been using for months.......sometimes it's bigger, sometimes smaller....sometimes it says the right size font but I can see that it isn' is sometimes double spacing (which I don't want) sometimes not. Sometimes I can change to the font/size I want...sometimes not...I'm wasting a lot of time messing with this. I use Firefox....please advise.
Mine, except for the jumping, is currently working. What I did was copy and past the text into Word. I edited it look like I wanted it to there. I also, when I pasted it, said to match destination. Once I had it like I wanted it I deleted the description in the listing I was working on then pasted the new one back. I had done this before and not had it work, this time it did. Not sure what I did differently but I must have done something as for the first time in days it's working, for now. I used to use Vendio but they were charging me nearly $200 a month for the service. I can put up with a lot for $200 a month! :-)
Originally posted by queenofcollectibles:
I am having font problems with my profiles. They do not show up in the font that was saved in the profiles I have been using for months.......sometimes it's bigger, sometimes smaller....sometimes it says the right size font but I can see that it isn' is sometimes double spacing (which I don't want) sometimes not. Sometimes I can change to the font/size I want...sometimes not...I'm wasting a lot of time messing with this. I use Firefox....please advise.

Same problem here. FONTS and SIZES on ALL saved listings have changed. Pain in the *ss!!!!
The new editor seems to prefer CSS inline style over font tags for it's own code creation. That's not really any surprise, as most of the modern up-to-date editors tend to avoid obsolete (termed depreciated) code.

I would have to see code examples to run any checks or speculate on why it's dropping fonts and sizes, other than if those were originated from incompatible sources, like Office/Word.

Posting examples is always the best method to get assistance, and to get Auctiva's attention, i.e. giving tham a quick way to replicate a problem.

I have been away for a month and today was looking forward to getting up and running again.

I spent an hour with one listing doing just about everything described in this thread. Jumping to another part of the screen when trying to Preview or Save.
The Description Editor is absolutely awful...changing font sizes and spacking and moving things around! What on earth happened while I was gone? It's OK..I Upgrade!
I have been with Auctiva a long time and have always loved the system as it is so easy for me to use however now we are talking Codes, CSS inline and a lot of other technical terms!

I finally launched 6 listings then went into eBay and revised each one as that was the only was I could get them to look presentable.

Please...I just want it to work like it always did.
Originally posted by womandi:
JUMPY screens when creating a new listing is SO ANNOYING!!! TAKES FOREVER TO SAVE new listing too.

Hi womandi. I totally agree about the jumpy screen. When I create a new listing, or modify an existing listing, I get the jumpy screen when trying to save. Click SAVE. Screen jumps half way up. Scroll back down. Click SAVE again.

Funny thing though. The first one I work on doesn't jump. Only the rest do. Weird. Mad

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