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Hi boogytown1001,

Thanks for contributing to our forum. I am not aware of any technical issues that would cause a master profile you created to disappear, but I have an idea what may have happened to lead you to be concerned that your master profile details may have been removed from your saved listings.

If you create a saved listing from a master profile and then reopen the saved listing after saving (or posting) the ad, it is expected that nothing will be selected from the “Master Profile” drop down menu in the upper right corner of the lister page - but all the details you saved in the listing should still be present.

A master profile is essentially a tool to help you load information into the listing creation page, most commonly at the beginning of the listing creation process. Once a listing has been created from a master profile has been saved, it is no longer linked to the master profile in any way.

I hope this helps. If the behavior you encountered does not match what I described, or if you need any further assistance with your account, please feel free to contact our Customer Support team by mousing over the “Help” tab within your account and selecting the “File Support Case” option.


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