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I seem to have a problem learning how to schedule a listing.
I click on the schedule tab and get their alright, but then i'm lost i have no idea how to set the time and day.
I hope i'm maaking myself clear.
Can anyone of you longtime listers help me out.
Thanks Arlene
Example: i want to schedule a listing to start Sun.night at e-bay time at 9:00pm.A five day listing.
Original Post
I believe eBay time is the same as Auctiva time -- PST (Pacific).

When you've created your listing and hit the Schedule button at the bottom it'll take you to a page with dropdown menus where you choose the date, start time and the duration you want the site to retry for (in case there's some technical problem).

Or, if you've already finished and saved the listing, go to Saved Listings, tick the box next to the listing, then hit the Schedule button at the top of the page.

If you need to convert Pacific to your own time zine, here's a chart that may help:

Hope that helps.

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