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Hi - hope someone can help.

I am thinking about moving some of my ebay listings to another site. As with quite a few other sites I can transfer my listings. These listings were done through auctiva and have their templates. IF I transfer, can someone tell me how it imports. Will I have to go in and take auctiva things out, or is that automatically stripped out. IF we have to take out is it easy to find what to take out??

ALSO, just to make sure.. my photos will still be in listing right???

Sorry to sound crazy. . but I really do not know answer to this. I had hoped Auctiva would support another site so I would not have this problem. . but that is not in their cards for the immediate future.

Anyone with any help on doing this will be appreciated. I am going to write support, but figure someone here may know right off.

My main items are discontinued hard to find cosmetic items. But do have a few other items from ebay that I want to throw over.

Anyone selling on other sites.. free advise is appreciated

Thanks in advance.
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