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What can I do with my templates from Auctiva, they are way to large on my Ebay page/store, it is just the "Buy it Now" items. The rest I did earlier this week. The "Buy it Now" items I did last nite and they are way too wide and the description you have to go use the arrows to read the whole thing. Not good. Can anyone tell me what I can do to fix it so it fits better in my store pages.

Thanks, Jean
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Okay, I will try - my store name is My Outlet Shoppe, and my Ebay user name is smallmall08. I am not sure how to provide a link. I am so new at this. Sorry. I have some items for auction and some for sale, I plan on listing more, but want to figure out what I am doing wrong first with Auctiva. Also, how do you revise an item just using Auctiva??? Like Images, I want to change some of them and put better pictures up.

Thanks, Jean

Found your Store here....

I looked at the 3 Buy-It-Now listings and didn't immediately see any width problems. I also didn't see any Auctiva templates, i.e. no tags or other embeds. There's isn't even an Auctiva Scrolling Gallery (SG), although it looks like the auction listings got rolled into Auctiva recently (got the SG). I do see Auctiva hosted images in the listings. They appear to be the 400 x 300, which "might" be a little crowded (like the Farm Hen listing) with a lower res monitor. Note, I'm using 1152 x 864 on mine for viewing. Just to check, I switched to 1024x768 and can see how the text stacks narrow (which confirms my suspicion). I sometimes drop my monitor all the way down to 800x600 for checking what a listing might look like for that (almost) worst case scenario. eBay advises that res as minimum and 1024x768 for best viewing. With the Store Categories column on left, it does narrow the item's field and images, et. al. can suffer. You may need to consider that problem for futher listing development, as Auctiva's free images embed in the Description section, where ebay appends them at bottom.

Did you create these new listings from other than new Auctiva's one-page lister?

Also, what do you have your monitor resolution set too?

I'm assuming that your prior reference to "template" is meant to reference Auctiva hosted images, or am I missing something?


Edit: I just spotted a very-wide issue due to three side-by-side images in one of the Teddies (top one on the Store page).

That would force the template wide to accomodate all three pictures. I'd suggest pairs or you could try one of my favorite arrangements, Thumbnails. Here's an example from one of my closed auctions.

Mont-Saint-Michel and Chartres

Note, the left border on the bookstore template simulates a "Stores" categories on left, so hope that give you some idea of what yours might look like.
Last edited by danno
Thank you for your help. I am just so mentally challenged when it comes to this stuff. I had to erase the previous codes and just do it over again for those three in question. I will try the pair thing for my pictures and see if that helps too. I was wondering how you can revise or delete pictures and add better ones, because mine are fuzzy with some. I just want the pictures to be the best they can be, and did not realize how bad some of them are until I downloaded them on the auction/store page.

When I went to revise them like above, all Ebay has is showing one picture and I cannot delete the rest, what can I do about that problem ????

Thanks again for your help.

Originally posted by myoutletshoppe:
Thank you for your help. I am just so mentally challenged when it comes to this stuff. I had to erase the previous codes and just do it over again for those three in question. I will try the pair thing for my pictures and see if that helps too. I was wondering how you can revise or delete pictures and add better ones, because mine are fuzzy with some. I just want the pictures to be the best they can be, and did not realize how bad some of them are until I downloaded them on the auction/store page.

When I went to revise them like above, all Ebay has is showing one picture and I cannot delete the rest, what can I do about that problem ????

Thanks again for your help.



You can change/replace any Auctiva hosted image in your "Manage Images" page at the Images tab. Just select (check) an image in your library and use the Replace button.

I agree with sharp, clear pictures having a positive return on listings. The more (with qualifications) and better the pictures, the better confidence a buyer will have in making a decision to bid/buy. It's also helps to have a professional photographer in the family (my daughter) to give tips. This is a photo I made with my digital cam that got that Canada Wolf Dollar selling higher than anyone else's at ebay.


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