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How can I get my standard html codes to look like this (which has spacers in between each line) in Auctiva description box:

<p><font color="#dc143c" size="+1">

<p><font color="#0099cc" size="+1">

<p><font color="#ff00ff" size="+1">

<p><font color="#003366" size="+1">

<p><font color="#dc143c" size="+1">

<p><font color="#0099cc" size="+1">

<p><font color="#ff00ff" size="+1">

instead of this which is what happens when I open the description box to list as Auctiva converts all of my html codes.

When you see it below it looks uniform but in the description box it is bunchs up together with no spacers

<p><font color="#bc0bef" size="+1"></font></p><p><font color="#dc143c"size="+1"></font></p><p><font color="#0099cc" size="+1"></font></p><p><font color="#ff00ff" size="+1"></font></p><p><font color="#003366" size="+1"></font></p><p><font color="#dc143c" size="+1"></font></p><p><font color="#0099cc" size="+1"></font></p><p><font color="#ff00ff" size="+1"></font></p>

I tried using the Full Size Editor but no luck there neither.

I have a lot of profiles I used for listing and each one has this problem.

Any ideas?

Thanks in advance
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I think I read something similar to your question on another thread in the forum. As I recall, there isn't any way to keep those "ever so easy on the eyes" blank lines in between the HTML coding.

I've set up my HTML coding in the template area so that I don't have this issue and I generally don't even use the "source" option anymore because it got to be so time consuming and confusing to hunt around for every place I needed to make a new blurp of information.

Best of luck to you.
I have found out that if I switch to design editor after I enter my information on the text editpr I can just go to any of the extra blank lines and click delete until the line below it comes up to where there are no extra blank lines. Then I always review it before I post it. It is an extra hassle but it does work that way

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