I am hoping some on can help me out on figuring out what html code I need to insert into my custom templates. I write my own code for image size and I have my images set up at 140 pix. That way I can have 3 small click to enlarge images across the auction page.
The ebay viewer can click on the image, which then enlarges it, but it opens it up in another window when viewing it.
What I would like to do is have a " BACK TO MAIN PAGE " button on this new page to direct them back to my ebay listing.
At the moment they have to click on the "back" button on thier computer browser to go back to the original small image/ listing.
Does anyone know what the html code would be ?
I know there is one, because when I was an SD member there was a orange button (top left) that the viewer could click on to take them back to the main auction listing.
Any info or suggestions would be great. Thanks
