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I would like to use selection fields in listing my items. For example, I only sell a handful of different brands, so instead of typing it out each time, I'd like a pull down menu where I can quickly choose the brand I'm selling in that auction. Can someone tell me how to fill out the form for that? I'm not sure what to put for the Value.

Original Post
Hi Kookachoo,

I believe you will be able to accomplish this by creating different Master profiles for each brand you sell, which can be done via the following process:

First, click on the "Item Details" link under the "Profiles" tab and enter any information in that section you'd like to be prefilled in the lister page when you use this profile. Most of the information in the item details section will vary from listing to listing, so you may not end up entering much information into your item details profile.

Next, click the "Marketing Tools" link under the "Profiles" tab within your account. If you want to use the gallery feature in all your listings, or any other marketing tools for that matter, check the box next to "gallery", name your marketing tools profile and click "Save"..

Then, click the "Shipping Tools" link under the "Profiles" tab within your account and enter the shipping information you'd like prefilled in the lister page when this profile is used. Once you have done so, name your shipping tools profile and click "Save".

Next, click the "Checkout Options" link under the "Profiles" tab within your account and fill out your checkout information. Once you have done so, name your checkout profile and click "Save".

Once you have saved all 4 of these profiles, you'll want to combine them into a master profile. To accomplish this, click on the "Master" link under the "Profiles" tab. Select each of the 4 profiles you just created from their respective pull down menus, name your master profile, and click "Save".

Once you have done this, you can load your master profile at the beginning of creating your listing and all the profile information will be loaded into the listing. Just select your master profile from the master profile pull down menu at the top right of the page and click "Load". Or, you can choose the appropriate master profile from the “Create new listing from Master Profile” pull-down menu under the “Listings” tab, and click the adjacent “Go” button.

Any additional questions or concerns? Please file a support request using the appropriate link on our help page:


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