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Why not charge the buyer a 5% buyers premium or something like that and leave the seller alone for once!

Simple. As soon as you start charging buyers, there won't be any buyers.

My sarcastic remarks aren't necessarily directed towards you, they are just sarcasm.

Why not charge the buyer a 5% buyers premium or something like that and leave the seller alone for once!

Simple. As soon as you start charging buyers, there won't be any buyers.

My sarcastic remarks aren't necessarily directed towards you, they are just sarcasm.

- That part is very true. Buyers shouldn't have to pay to get on ebay but I think they should be required to follow more strict registration guidelines so they aren't able to dump accounts and scam sellers and avoid payments. If you've been suspended for your actions as seller, it's next to impossible to get on again short of changing all your info. If you are a buyer, you can register over and over. That is just so wrong.
Today, nothing is unique.

Well, I've got two (2) Franklin Library Editors' Notes storage boxes up for auction at the moment. I've been watching since January and saw none, except bundled in Antiquarian set/book sales.

I'm looking for nitches for new items for the collector markets, so experimentation is always fun. It's the response to something different that makes it worth the effort. Smile

As for eBay, the major shifts in their business model are (IMO) leaving open a large door for entry of competition, including a GOOGLE. A back-to-basics, true auction of collectibles service is needed. Buy-It-Now doesn't belong on the Auction floor, nor does Retail sales. Those items would be better sold in "off-floor" eStores or eMalls to value-add the auction service with merchandise from the same Seller. I also do not believe an AUCTION TRANSACTION is completed until the item is conveyed to BUYER for acceptance, i.e. right of inspection for authenticity and quality (meets description). That's why (despite eBay's backward opinion) I leave feedback after transaction completion (and no GRIFF, I'm not an A2 Seller or any other CATEGORY you wish to place me in, as categorizing people in the method chosen is insulting). Somewhere along the line, the independence of the 3rd party auctioneer to monitor contract compliance and the concept of auction contract has been lost to the "we accept no responsibility and this is a Retail environment where buyer is always right". PayPal being the real revenue engine driving profits may in fact be part of the problem.

In truth, I'm more concerned the eBay business model is not matching my future path, and seems to be deviating more with each new policy and fee change. If they want to be another Amazon, then I need a "new, old eBay".


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